All respected authors are required to submit their papers in due time (based on the conference calendar) via the online submission system through the website below:

To do so, authors are required to first register their names as an author and submit their papers through their user account. The required information to be submitted entails:

  1. Authors' biography (50 words);
  2. Title (15 words);
  3. Abstract (300 words).

Please note that every abstract should contain five moves: background, purpose, method, results, and conclusions/implications. You will not be able to edit your proposal after submission.

Once the submission window has closed, all papers will be distributed simultaneously among the reviewers. In the next stage, after the result of all paper reviews have been received, the authors whose papers have been accepted will be notified of the results via email correspondence. Therefore, make sure you provide the organizing committee with the correct address of an email account which you regularly check. Papers will be accepted for either oral or poster presentation.

Proposals fulfilling the following criteria will be considered for selection:

  • Originality
  • Innovative nature of the work
  • Informative title (not more than 15 words)
  • Clear statement of the problem, purpose, or questions addressed
  • Soundness of research methodology and findings

In case you do not receive an acceptance email by the results announcement date of Esfand 1395 (February 2017), your paper has unfortunately not been accepted for the conference. Please refrain from sending emails to require feedback as we are unable to provide you with such information due to the great number of papers that are submitted.

Authors of accepted articles will be required to confirm Receipt of Result and RSVP via a reply email correspondence, and they need to provide the organizing committee with their PowerPoint presentation (Times New Roman font with font size 14) files or poster presentation images based upon their acceptance type (i.e. oral or poster presentation).